Twenty five leaders. Twenty five voices. Three days of Athletes' Voices.
Twenty five leaders. Twenty five voices. Three days of Athletes' Voices planning, conversing and building at the stunning 1440 Multiversity campus in the Santa Cruz Mountains. The result? Awe inspiring momentum for the Athletes' Voices program as we move forward with tremendous excitement towards the December 2021 launch of the application for the inaugural cohort of the Athletes' Voices Certificate Program.
Here's a peek into the retreat and info on how you can get involved in Athletes' Voices.
#socialimpact #sportsphilanthropy #athletesvoices Oliver+Rose LLC
Kevin Martinez Tiffani-Dawn Sykes Karla Martin Odessa Jenkins Amber Salomon Sophia Robb Lauren McCann Julie Leak Corey Leak Lee LaRosa Mindi Bach Chris Waddell Caryl Stern Mark Foxton Meredith Shannon Benson (She, Her, Hers) Carlette Patterson Mandy N. Murphy Akilah Carter-Francique Clarisse Machanguana Jared Muela Alana Nichols Michele Boal Cipora Herman Carter Crum, CFA Katherine Rathe #teamvoices #teamculture #teamfun